2022年3月 Doula Cafe
日時:2022年3月20日(日)10:00-11:00 参加費:無料 対象者: 妊娠中のママ(パートナーもどうぞ) 参加申し込み:氏名、妊娠周期、メールアドレスをDMでお送りください。
温かい飲み物を用意してどうぞお気軽にご参加ください . We will have the March Doula Cafe in English on Zoom on
Sunday, 20th March From 11:00-12:00
Partners are also welcome to attend this Doula Cafe!
In this Doula Cafe, we'll talk freely about pregnancy time, birth, support service in local area in Nagasaki, also about hospital restrictions in this Omicron situation -What to expect, anxiety, or options that you have. Also, it's a great opportunity to meet other pregnant mother's and their partners, and freely share thoughts.
Also, you can ask me directly about what is doula, how I can support you through pregnancy, labour and the post-partum period.
Feel free to join, and I'm looking forward to seeing you!